Ellen Klages’ WICKED WONDERS is definitely worth a read
More accolades for Ellen Klages’ WICKED WONDERS.

CONVERGENCE BOOKS REVIEWS praises the collection.
Rating: 4 stars (★★★★☆)
I don’t think it’s at all an exaggeration to say that this anthology honestly has something for everyone. Fantasy, science fiction, fairy tale, you name it–it’s here. And to top it off, every one of these stories is well written and kept me engaged from beginning to end. This was my first experience reading anything by Ellen Klages, and I am glad I picked this up. This is an author who demonstrates great skill in both creating richly-developed worlds and unique, three-dimensional characters over and over again in short stories. It’s no small feat, and she does it so very well. Definitely worth a read!
Jonathan Hatfull at SCIFINOW includes the book among 35 BOOKS YOU SHOULD HAVE READ IN 2017.
We love a good short story collection, and this second set of tales from Ellen Klages is further proof that she needs to be on your to-read list. Whether it’s two young girls sharing their last moments together before one leaves the Earth for good, two women dividing a slice of cake into ever-tinier pieces, or (our personal favourite) a woman inheriting a ghostly companion along with a penny arcade, the incredible range, wit and warmth of the stories on display here means that there’s something for everyone.

Photo: Scott R. Kline
On his BELUTHAHATCHIE blog, Andy Duncan recommends not only WICKED WONDERS but the Klages novella PASSING STRANGE.
SHE TREADS SOFTLY includes the collection among the best books of 2017.

For more info on WICKED WONDERS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story