LED ASTRAY demonstrates the breadth of Kelley Armstrong’s writing abilities

photo: Kathryn Hollinrake
A trio of reviews for the good read LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG.
Overall, this anthology really shows the breadth of Armstrong’s writing abilities. Each of her worlds are distinct and separate from one another. Cainsville stories have a different “voice” than stories set in the Otherworld. Her horror stories have a different, more eerie vibe to them than any of the others. Overall, this would be a terrific introduction to Armstrong, but it is absolutely essential to someone who wants to have everything related to a particular series.
Evil lurks amongst us but sometimes it is in the last place you would expect, and Armstrong has done a great job of showing this. Many of these stories have twists and turns that took me by surprise, which only added to my entertainment. I enjoyed each of these stories and would be hard pressed to pick just one out as a favorite. I will say the werewolf and gargoyle stories do have a higher place than the others but as a whole this collection is a good read. I was quickly pulled into each story and enjoyed the ride. These characters are mostly already established characters and places so you may want to read her other works, but it is not absolutely necessary to do so to enjoy LED ASTRAY.
I loved getting to see more from some of the worlds Kelley Armstrong has created and finding the other worlds and characters in the new stories that were included in this book.

With so many short stories in this volume, it will be a short comment on each one! SA means standalone, WOTO is an Otherworld story. I missed out the Darkest Powers, Cainsville and Age of Legends stories as I don’t read these series. Overall the standard was very good.

For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story