The recommended THE EMPEROR’S SOUL delivers nary a dull moment

Brandon Sanderson accepting his Hugo Award for THE EMPEROR’S SOUL.
(Photo courtesy of the MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive)
On her eponymous blog, Jamie O. Mayer reviews Brandon Sanderson’s award-winning THE EMPEROR’S SOUL.
The pace is good and moves right along. Never felt like there was a dull moment, which is good considering this novella clocks in at less than 200 pages. The story progresses out by the day as it counts to 100 and Shai’s deadline, which fits well for the base plot of her needing to Forge the Emperor’s soul and escape. There’s not much of a surprise to the ending, but I thought it fit well with the tone of the story.
Recommended, and I’d love to see Sanderson return to this world and flesh it out more.
Read the rest of Mayer’s review on her blog.

For more on THE EMPEROR’S SOUL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Alexander Nanitchkov.
Design by Elizabeth Story.