The diverse, enjoyable NIGHTMARES impresses
The first pair of reviews for Ellen Datlow’s forthcoming anthology NIGHTMARES: A NEW DECADE OF MODERN HORROR.

BOOK LOVER’S BOUDOIR, Pamela Scott praises the anthology.
Datlow offers another impressive, diverse and hugely enjoyable collection of short fiction. I’ve loved horror fiction since I was a teenager and didn’t think this genre had anything really new to offer. This never bothered me because reading horror fiction is sometimes like slipping into a pair of well-worn shoes, moulded to the shape of your foot and still comfortable. NIGHTMARES: A NEW DECADE OF MODERN HORROR proves there is always something new for the horror genre to offer. I enjoyed every story in this collection.
This is a great collection of horror fiction. I’d highly recommend it.

Ellen Datlow (credit: THIS IS HORROR)
THOUGHTS FROM IRENE enjoyed the book.
First off I adore this cover and applaud the designer. It caught my eye immediately.
This is a large volume of horror at over 400 pages. While I can’t say I fell in love with every story, it surely has something for every horror lover. My favorites of the bunch were “Sob In The Silence” which was a story of murder. “Dead Sea Fruit” a very strange tale about the Ash Mouth Man who can make you waste away with a kiss. “Closet Dreams” which was about an escape of sorts from a most vile predator. “Lonegan’s Luck” which of course was not really good luck at all. “Was She Wicked? Was She Good?” Is about the aftermath of a little girl who likes to pull the wings off….well you’ll see.
“The Shallows” was a strange and fascinating story of a family that I really can’t even begin to describe. Now that is not to say the other stories weren’t good, these are just the ones that will haunt me for a while
For more info about NIGHTMARES: A NEW DECADE OF MODERN HORROR, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Nihil
Design by Elizabeth Story