Lisa Goldstein’s gripping and unusual fairy tale IVORY APPLES is a delight to read
Prior to publication, Lisa Goldstein’s IVORY APPLES engenders excitement.

KIRKUS praises the novel.
Goldstein (Weighing Shadows, 2015, etc.) has crafted a dark, suspenseful tale in which the power of the faery world is appealingly disruptive and dangerous. The dreamlike quality of portions of the book sometimes works to undercut the impact of genuinely traumatic events, but overall the story is gripping and unusual enough to keep the reader invested.
This dark, eerie tale about the lengths people will go for a taste of magic will keep readers guessing until the end.
As does Judi Easley at A THOUGHTFUL REVEAL.
IVORY APPLES by Lisa Goldstein was a delight to read.
Ross O’Brien for STARBURST gives it an 8/10.
Without even a whiff of Arthurian myth (on the contrary – there are other mythologies here), Goldstein paints the source of artistic inspiration as a holy grail. Some are true seekers. Others believe they are entitled to talent and to success, and devote themselves to finding every shortcut, no matter the cost. And some, often too vulnerable to make their own way in the world, simply suffer the costs.
If IVORY APPLES provides a language for understanding the realities and pitfalls of inspiration and fame then it feels like it has done its job.

The Spanish FÁBULAS
ESTELARES continues the trend.
IVORY APPLES is, in short, a modern myth that reads quickly and voraciously . It is a perfect reading for a summer afternoon, to get carried away by the thoughts and vicissitudes of a young poet whose life is disturbed by an obsessive soul.
Translation from Spanish, courtesy of Google
B&N SCI-FI & FANTASY BLOG includes the title in The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books of September 2019.
For info on IVORY APPLES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story