Happy birthday to the dynamic Kameron Hurley

The author of the first article to ever win a Hugo Award (“We Have Always Fought” 2014), Kameron Hurley also won another Hugo (Best Fan Writer 2014), 2 BFA (The God’s War [2011] and The Geek Feminist Revolution [2016]), and been a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke and Nebula Awards.

The Bel Dame Apocrypha/God’s War Trilogy, which introduced the popular Nyx, began with God’s War, concluded with Infidel (2011) and Rapture (2012). Hurley followed up that series with the epic fantasy series, the Worldbreaker Saga, which includes The Mirror Empire (2014), Empire Ascendant (2015), and The Broken Heavens (forthcoming). Her space opera, The Stars are Legion, was published in February 2017.

Hurlery’s nonfiction has appeared in numerous online venues, including The Atlantic, Bitch Magazine, Huffington Post, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, and Entertainment Weekly. She writes a regular column for Locus Magazine. Many of her essays were collected in The Geek Feminist Revolution.

Her short fiction has graced the pages of many magazines such as Popular Science Magazine, Lightspeed, Vice Magazine’s Terraform, EscapePod, and Strange Horizons, as well as anthologies such as The Lowest Heaven, The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women, Year’s Best SF and Meeting Infinity. Her stories have been collected in Brutal Women (2010) and the forthcoming APOCALYPSE NYX.

All of us at Tachyon wish the amazing Kameron a happy birthday. May you long chronicle tales of blood, bugs, and brutal women!
For more info on APOCALYPSE NYX, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Wadim Kashin
Design by Elizabeth Story