The influential Anne R. Dick was born 92 years ago

The third wife of the legendary Philip K. Dick, Anne R. Dick crafted one seminal works on her late husband THE SEARCH FOR PHILIP K. DICK. The personal memoir and biography book follows Philip K. Dick from childhood to the course of their marriage (1958-1964), which also coincided with the perhaps his most fertile creative period. During that time he penned 17 novels, including several of his most celebrated works: The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Martian Time-Slip, Confessions of a Crap Artist, and Dr. Bloodmoney.
Immediately after his death, Anne R. Dick began the research for Search For Philip K. Dick, 1928-1982, the first Dick biography. It was completed in 1984 and first published in 1995 as a $120 hardback from Edwin Mellen Press. Thankfully the manuscript was given to all Dick biographers, allowing a unique insider’s account to an important literary figure. In 2009, Dick revised the work for an affordable self-published edition and then again for the current Tachyon Publications edition.

Shortly after their divorce, Dick began selling her sculptures and jewelry. Eventually, Dick become know as a pioneer in the American Crafts movement whose bronze jewelry has been exhibited around the world.
Dick also published 7 books of poetry and 2 more non-fiction books including The Letters of My Grandfather, Moses Perry Johnson.