A belated happy birthday to the award-winning writer and editor Rick Wilber

A journalism professor at the University of South Florida, Rick Wilber has penned more than fifty science-fiction short stories, several college textbooks, including MAGAZINE FEATURE WRITING (St. Martin’s Press), THE WRITER’S HANDBOOK FOR EDITING and REVISION (McGraw-Hill), and MODERN MEDIA WRITING (Cengage), and three novels THE COLD ROAD, RUM POINT, and the Campbell Award-nominated ALIEN MORNING. His story “Something Real” won the 2013 Sidewise Award.

Wilber edited the three anthologies SUBTROPICAL SPECULATIONS: ANTHOLOGY OF FLORIDA SCIENCE FICTION (with Richard Mathews), FUTURE MEDIA, and FIELD OF FANTASIES: BASEBALL STORIES OF THE STRANGE AND SUPERNATURAL. His book length memoir about his dad, baseball player Del Wilber, MY FATHER’S GAME: LIFE, DEATH, BASEBALL garnered notices from a diversity of people including Peter Golenbock, Peter Straub, and Bill Plaschke.

All of us at Tachyon wish Rick a happy baseball-filled birthday!
For more info on FUTURE MEDIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Josh Beatman