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Alec Checkerfield
About Alec Checkerfield
Posts by Alec Checkerfield:
Happy birthday to the extraordinary Kate Elliott
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized alis a rassmussen, birthdsy, buried heart, court of fives, elizabeth story, juilie dillon, kate elliott, night flower, poisoned blade, the very best of kate elliott

Photo: April Quintanilla
Following the disappointing sales of her acclaimed first books The Labyrinth Gate (1988) and theHighroad trilogy (beginning with A Passage of Stars [1990]), Alis A. Rassmussen assumed the pen name Kate Elliott and began a string of bestselling, groundbreaking works with the popular Jaran series (beginning with Jaran [1992]). Since then she has garnered innumerable fans with the trilogies Crossroads(beginning with Spirit Gate [2006]) and Spiritwalker (beginning with Cold Magic [2010]).

Elliott received her first World Fantasy Award nomination for The Golden Key (1996; co-written with Melanie Rawn and Jennifer Roberson). King’s Dragon (1997), the first volume of her The Crown Of Stars septology, received a Nebula Award nomination for best novel. Her first young adult novel Court Of Fives (2015), was nominated for the Andre Norton Award.

Many of her shorter works were collected in THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT (2015). Her most recent title, Buried Heart (2017), completed Court of Fives series.
All of us at Tachyon wish the amazing Alis a magical birthday.
For more information on THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Julie Dillon
Design by Elizabeth Story
Get World Fantasy Award winner Lavie Tidhar’s fascinating and powerful UNHOLY LAND for only $1.99!
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized kdd, kindle daily deal, lavie tidhar, sarah anne langton, unholy land
Lavie Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, an NPR Best Book of 2018, is a Kindle Daily Deal for Wednesday, July 23.

For today only, the ebook is available for just $1.99!
- An NPR Best Book of 2018
- A Library Journal Best Book of 2018
- A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2018
- A Guardian Best Book of 2018
- A Barnes & Noble Favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Book of 2018
- A Crime Time Book Best Book of 2018
- Locus Recommended Reading List
- 2018 SCKA Award nominations
- 2018 British Science Fiction Award finalist, Best Artwork: Sarah Anne Langton
“Lavie Tidhar does it again. Magnificent.”
—Warren Ellis
Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.
Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina—a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century—has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts—possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.
From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.
[STARRED REVIEW] “Unholy Land is a wonder and a revelation—a work of science fiction capable of enthralling audiences across the multiverse.”
[STARRED REVIEW] “World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history. Author Lior Tirosh, grieving a personal tragedy, travels home after years abroad and immediately has a series of strange encounters that pull him into a complex plot to destroy the border between worlds. He arrives in Palestina, the land that the Jews were offered on the Ugandan border in 1904, which both closely resembles and is profoundly different from the Israel of our world, and is followed by two government agents who are trying to stop the destruction of ‘borders,’ though it’s unclear whose side they are really on. Tirosh discovers a niece he had forgotten, is accused of murder, narrowly dodges threats to his life, and takes on the role of a detective from one of his own novels as he tries to understand what is endangered and by whom. ‘No matter what we do, human history always attempts to repeat itself,’ Tidhar writes, even as he explores the substantial differences in history that might arise from single but significant choices. Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.”
—Publishers Weekly
[STARRED REVIEW] “On the suggestion of his agent, pulp fiction writer Lior Tirosh flies back to the home he hasn’t seen since childhood: Palestina, an East African Jewish state formed in the early 20th century. He soon discovers a lot has changed. In the capital, Ararat, unrest is at an all-time high. Palestina is creating a border wall to deter refugees from entering. Lior then learns from an old childhood friend that his niece Deborah is missing and takes on the persona of one of his own detective novel characters as he searches for her, only to be hunted by his own state’s security. VERDICT Shifting perspectives will keep readers trying to catch up with this fast-paced plot involving incredible twists on multiple realities and homecoming. This latest from Campbell and World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) is fascinating and powerful.”
—Library Journal
For more info on UNHOLY LAND, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton
Get Patricia A. McKillip’s World Fantasy Award winning THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD for only $1.99!
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized kdd, kindle daily deal, patricia a mckillip, the forgotten beasts of eld, Thomas Canty
Patricia A. McKillip’s classic THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD is a Kindle Daily Deal for Tuesday, July 22.

For today only, the ebook is available for just $1.99!
- World Fantasy Award-Winner
- A Paperback Wonderland Best Book of 2017
“Rich and regal.”—New York Times
Young Sybel, the heiress of powerful wizards, needs the company of no-one outside her gates. In her exquisite stone mansion, she is attended by exotic, magical beasts: Riddle-master Cyrin the boar; the treasure-starved dragon Gyld; Gules the Lyon, tawny master of the Southern Deserts; Ter, the fiercely vengeful falcon; Moriah, feline Lady of the Night. Sybel only lacks the mysterious Liralen, which continues to elude her most powerful enchantments.
But when a soldier bearing an infant arrives, Sybel discovers that the world of man and magic is full of love and deceit—and the possibility of more power than she can imagine.
THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD is one of the true classics of fantasy.
“Like the Ring trilogy or the Earthsea books … This magical moonlit fantasy has dignity and romance, heart-stopping suspense, adventure, richness of concept and language and—perhaps rarest of all in romantic fantasy—a sly sense of humor.”
—Publishers Weekly
“This is my favorite book of all time. If I had to pick a desert island book, it would be this one.”
—Gail Carriger, New York Times bestselling author of the Parasol Protectorate
“Before Daenerys was Mother of Dragons, Sybel commanded beasts of all kinds. McKillip offers up a powerful character full of passion, determination, obsession, and love.”
—A. C. Wise, author of The Kissing Booth Girl and Other Stories
“Some books stay with you. It’s been over forty years now since I first read The Forgotten Beasts of Eld and succumbed to its enchantments. With its rich and lyric prose, its wondrous mix of characters (beasts included!), and its thoroughly enchanted world it was unlike anything I had read to that point. Forty years later I still cherish the experience. Some books truly do stay with you.”
—Bruce Coville, author of the Dragon Chronicles
“Patricia McKillip’s Forgotten Beasts of Eld is stunning. I grew up in a boarding school, so I can’t say how great it is without profanity. It’s truly great, concentrated, thoughtful, vicious, exalted fantasy, and everyone should read it, and it seems criminal to me that I haven’t until now. Reading Eld felt like finding a missing star: it’s always been there, shaping space, and reading it made so many other books make sense. I read it in a down moment, and it filled me with joy and awe at the power of love, writing, and fantasy.”
—Max Gladstone, author of the Hugo Award-winning Craft Sequence series
“Gorgeous, evocative, and fragile.”
“An extraordinary book, and McKillip deserves all the praise she received for creating such a masterful, brave, intricately crafted universe. 10/10 stars”
“Intimate, gorgeous, quiet and deep, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld remains as resonant as ever.”
“[The] Forgotten Beasts of Eld is a remarkable novel to come from such a young person: wise and deep and lucid and crisp.”
—Antick Musings
“There is a magic and grandeur to McKillip’s focused prose, a kind of resounding clarity that lives and echoes in the mind long after the story is done.”
—Ben Loory, author of Tales of Falling and Flying and Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day
For more info about THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized authors, bookawards, books, bookstagram, carolemshwiller, cordwainersmith, cordwainersmithrediscoveryaward, femaleauthors, publishing, readercon, sciencefiction, sciencefictionbooks, scifi, scifibooks, shortstories, tachyon, tachyonpublications, womeninscifi, womenwriters
Carol Emshwiller is the winner of the 2019 Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award! This juried award, presented each year at Readercon, goes to a science fiction or fantasy writer who’s work deserves “Rediscovery”. Emshwiller, who passed away earlier this year, received a Lifetime Achievement World Fantasy Award in 2005. Her novels include Carmen Dog, The Mount, and The Secret City. Her shirt fiction is collected in I Live With You and The Start at the End of it All and Other Stories
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Meet Vylar Kaftan and Megan O’Keefe at July SF in SF
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized her silhouette drawn in water, megan o'keefe, san francisco, SF in SF, Terry Bisson, the american bookbinders museum, velocity weapon, vylar kaftan

SF IN SF, in partnership with Tachyon Publications and the American Bookbinders Museum, welcomes Nebula and Sidewise Award winner Vylar Kaftan and Gemmel Morningstar Award winner Megan O’Keefe.

Megan O’Keefe and Vylar Kaftan (photo: Josh Cachapero)
Each author will read from a selection of their work, followed by Q&A with the audience, moderated by Terry Bisson. Schmoozing with the authors and book signing follows the end of the discussion.

Sunday, July 21
Doors and cash bar open 6:00PM
Event begins at 6:30 PM
The American Bookbinders Museum
355 Clementina
San Francisco, CA
$10 at the door
$8 for students with valid high school or college ID card
All donations benefit the American Bookbinders Museum
There will be an opportunity to have books signed at the end of the event. Books will be for sale courtesy of Borderlands Books, and attendees are welcome to bring books from home for signatures. There is no charge for autographs.
Podcasted by SOMA FM – SF’s internet radio station
The amazing Grania Davis was born 76 years ago
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized birthday, grania davis, michael dashow, the boss in the wall

Jack Vance and Grania Davis in 2005 at the Tachyon 10th Anniversary Party (Photo: Jeremy Lassen/LOCUS)
Editor and writer Grania Davis penned the novels The Rainbow Annnals (1980) and Moonbird (1986). With Avram Davidson, she co-wrote Marco Polo and the Sleeping Beauty (1988) and THE BOSS IN THE WALL (1998), which received a World Fantasy Award nomination. Davis’ short fiction has been collected in Tree of Life, Book pf Death (2013).

Davis co-edited several collections of Davidson’s work including The Avram Davidson Treasury (1998 with Robert Silverberg), The Investigations of Avram Davidson (1999 with Richard A. Lupoff), and Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven: Essential Jewish Tales of the Spirit (2000 with Jack Dann). She (alongside Gene Van Troyer) is responsible for the anthology Speculative Japan: Outstanding Tales of Japanese Science Fiction and Fantasy (2007).
The beloved Grania passed away in 2017. She is missed.
For more info on THE BOSS IN THE WALL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Michael Dashow
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized advancereaderscopy, alexanderweinstein, alicesolakim, anthology, books, bookstagram, galley, hannurajaniemi, kellyrobson, publishing, rebeccaroanhorse, samjmiller, sarahpinsker, sciencefiction, sciencefictionbooks, scifibooks, shortstories, suzannepalmer, tachyon, tachyonpublications, thenewvoicesofsciencefiction, upcomingbook
Hot off the press, The New Voices of Science Fiction galley is here! A companion to the World Fantasy Award -winning New Voices of Fantasy, this antholgy features stories Rebecca Roanhorse, Nino Cipri, Sarah Pinsker, Sam J. Miller, and more!
#thenewvoicesofsciencefiction #books #bookstagram #advancereaderscopy #galley #anthology #hannurajaniemi #samjmiller #sarahpinsker #rebeccaroanhorse #alexanderweinstein #kellyrobson #alicesolakim ##suzannepalmer #shortstories #scifibooks #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #upcomingbook #publishing #tachyon #tachyonpublications
Happy birthday to the pioneering Cory Doctorow
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized birthday, content, context, cory doctorow, elizabeth story, radicalized

Photo by Jonathan Worth, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Influential blogger, journalist, and author Cory Doctorow co-edits the popular Boing Boing blog and is a vocal advocate of the Creative Commons, having published a majority of his works under that license.

His numerous acclaimed, award-winning works include Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003; winner of Locus Award for Best First Novel), A Place So Foreign and Eight More (2003; Sunburst Award), Little Brother (2008; John W. Campbell Memorial, Prometheus, Sunburst, and White Pine Award), Pirate Cinema (2012; Prometheus Award), Homeland (2013; Prometheus Award), and Walkaway (2017; Dragon Award). Additionally, Cory has won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer and The Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award.

Doctorow’s many books on the internet, copyright, and technology include CONTENT: SELECTED ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY, CREATIVITY, COPYRIGHT, AND THE FUTURE OF THE FUTURE (2008), CONTEXT: FURTHER SELECTED ESSAYS ON PRODUCTIVITY, CREATIVITY, PARENTING, AND POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY (2011), and Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free (2014).

Much of his short fiction has been collected in A
Place So Foreign and Eight More (2003), Overclocked: Stories
of the Future Present (2007), Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales
of the Here and Now (2008 in graphic format with James Anthony
Kuhoric, Dara Naraghi, Dan Taylor, and J. C. Vaughn), With a
Little Help (2009), Overclocked:
More Stories of the Future Present (2016), and Radicalized
(2019). Alongside Holly Phillips, Doctorow co-edited Tesseracts
Eleven: Amazing Canadian Speculative Fiction (2007).
All of us at Tachyon, wish the visionary Cory a happy birthday.
Cover design by Ann Monn
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
Meet the award-winning Nancy Springer
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized authors & audience writers conference, brian giberson, elizabeth story, kcpl, kent county public library, nancy springer, the oddling prince

The Edgar and James Tiptree Jr Award-winning author of more than fifty novels including THE ODDLING PRINCE and the acclaimed YA series Enola Holmes about Sherlock Holmes’ younger sister and soon to be a major motion picture, Nancy Springer is the keynote speaker for the 10th annual KCPL Authors & Audiences Writers Conference at the Kent County Public Library in Dover, DE on July 9.

KCPL Authors & Audiences Writers Conference
Kent County Public Library
497 South Red Haven Lane
Dover, DE
Saturday, July 20
For more info on THE ODDLING PRINCE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Brian Giberson
Design by Elizabeth Story