THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT preview: “Sunseeker”

In celebration of the release of THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, we are sharing story excerpts from the collection.
Today’s preview comes from"Sunseeker.“
Theygave her a berth on the Rabecause her father was famous, not because he was rich.Wealth was no guarantor of admittance to the ranks of the fabled
Sunseekers; their sponsors didn’t need the money. But there was
always a price to be paid, due at unforeseen intervals decided upon
by the caprice of the self-appointed leaders of their intrepid little
band of a dozen or so sunseeking souls.Right
now, they had started in on Eleanor, an elegant girl of Bantu
ancestry whose great-grands had made their fortune gunrunning along
the Horn of Africa (so it was rumored) and parlayed that wealth into
a multisystem import/export business.“Sweetkins,
I’m not sure I can stand to look at much more of that vegetable
fiber. Cotton!”“Algodón!”
Akvir mimicked Zenobia’s horrified tone. “I thought we’d agreed
to wear only animal products.”“If
we don’t hold to standards,” continued Zenobia, “it’ll be
soybric next. Or, Goddess forbid, nylon.”Eleanor
met this sally with her usual dignified silence. She did not even
smooth a hand over her gold and brown robe and trousers, as any of
the others would have, self-conscious under scrutiny. Rose suspected
her of having designs both on Akvir—self-styled priest of the
Sunseekers—and on the coveted position of priestess.
For more on THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Julie Dillon.
Design by Elizabeth Story.