Happy birthday to John W. Campbell Award Winner Lavie Tidhar

Photo: Kevin Nixon. © Future Publishing 2013
Born in Israel, British Science Fiction and World Fantasy Award–winning author and editor Lavie Tidhar has lived all over the world, including in Vanuatu, Laos, and South Africa, and currently resides in London. His most recent novel CENTRAL STATION (2016) received overwhelming acclaim including winning the prestigious John W. Campbell Memorial Award, nominations for 2017 Arthur C. Clarke Award and 2016 British Science Fiction Award, as well as a place on NPR Best Books of 2016, Barnes and Noble Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016, and 2016 Locus Recommended Reading List. Among his other lauded novels are A MAN LIES DREAMING (2014, winner of the Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Prize for Best British Fiction), THE VIOLENT CENTURY (2013), MARTIAN SANDS (2013), OSAMA (2011, winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel), the BOOKMAN HISTORIES (THE BOOKMAN, 2010; CAMERA OBSCURA, 2011; THE GREAT GAME, 2012), and THE TEL AVIV DOSSIER (2009 with Nir Yaniv). Tidhar’s numerous shorter works, which include the 2012 British Fantasy Award-winning novellas GOREL & THE POT-BELLIED GOD, have been collected in BLACK GODS KISS (2015) and HEBREWPUNK (2007). Much of his non-fiction has been collected in ART AND WAR: POETRY, PULP AND POLITICS IN ISRAELI FICTION (2016).

As an editor, Tidhar has been responsible for THE APEX BOOK OF WORLD SF (Volumes 1-3, 2009, 2012, 2014), JEWS VS ZOMBIES (2015 with Rebbecca Levene), JEWS VS ALIENS (2015 with Rebbecca Levene), and A DICK & JANE PRIMER FOR ADULTS (2008). His graphic novel credits include GOING TO THE MOON (2012 with artist Paul McCaffrey), and ADOLF HITLER’S “I DREAM OF ANTS!” (2012 with artist Neil Struthers).
All of us at Tachyon wish the exceptional Lavie a happy birthday!
For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton