October 10, 2014 Joe Lansdale takes the Mulholland Books quick quiz! Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized cold in july, crime, elizabeth story, interview, joe lansdale, Joe R. Lansdale, mulholland books, mystery, texas noir Joe Lansdale takes the Mulholland Books quick quiz! Joe Lansdale, author of Cold in July, answered some quickfire questions for Mulholland Books, who published several of Lansdale titles including The Thicket and Edge of Dark Water. mulhollanduncovered: Master storyteller Joe Lansdale, author of the Hap & Leonard series, Edge of Dark Water, The Thicket and many more, answered our quickfire questions… Favourite author I have many favorite authors, favorites for different things, but if pushed in a corner today I would say Mark Twain. … For more info about Cold In July, visit the Tachyon page. Book cover design by Elizabeth Story.
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Uncategorized Happy birthday to the multi-talented David Sandner, writer, editor, and fan of weird things