Join David Ebenbach and Mia Tsai for Awesome Con 2023

Tachyon authors David Ebenbach (HOW TO MARS) and Mia Tsai (BITTER MEDICINE) are attending this year’s Awesome Con, June 16-18 at Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
Awesome Con is Washington DC’s Comic Con! We’re a star-studded celebration of geek culture, bringing over 70,000 fans together with their favorite stars from across comics, movies, television, toys, games, and more! And just like DC, we’re smart, family-friendly, and inclusive – as Awesome Con is home to:
Awesome Con
Science Fair, an area of Awesome Con exploring where science and science fiction meet!
Book Fair, THE area of Awesome Con for passionate book dragons, dewy-eyed indie authors, casual readers, and lit lovers of all ages!
Awesome Con Jr, an all-ages destination for the next generation of fans
Pride Alley, a celebration of queer creators and fans curated by GeeksOUT
Destination Cosplay, an area of Awesome Con for cosplay fanatics with photo opportunities, Cosplay Meetups, and much much more!
David Ebenbach and Mia Tsai are participating in the varied and extensive Awesome Con programming.
Friday June 16
1:30 PM
Authors David Ebenbach, EK Johnston, and Mia Tsai discuss the science fiction, fantasy, and pop culture that shaped their childhoods and made them into the writers they are today.
4:45 PM
Interested in the approach that well-known authors took when they were learning to write? What resources did they use to get from where they began to now? This conversation between David Ebenbach, Mia Tsai, Justina Ireland, and EK Johnston and moderated by Terry Brooks, will help you in your quest to write, whether you’re just starting out, an experienced writer, or a published author.
Saturday June 17
11 AM
What does it take to lead a story? To be a Main Character, but not just any MC, one you actually care about! Whether a hero, anti-hero or villain, your main character can make or break a story. Join authors TJ Klune, David Ebenbach, Constance Sayers, and Mia Tsai as they discuss how they created their MCs and what makes them THE character for their stories.
How do you first create a world? What are the building blocks needed to withstand the twists and turns authors put their characters through? What’s it like diving into a previously established universe and making it your own? Join authors Terry Brooks, TJ Klune, EK Johnston, David Ebenbach, and Justina Ireland as they discuss the creation and destruction of fantasy and science fiction worlds.
Sunday June 18
10:30 AM
From zombies and witches to elves and sweeping epics, join authors Justina Ireland, Mia Tsai, and Constance Sayers as they discuss how they broke down classic monsters, heroes, and tropes and built them back up in their stories.
What is it about future worlds and epic journeys that echoes in our narrative today? What do they offer readers looking for justice and triumph in a world that needs it? Join authors Justina Ireland, EK Johnston, Constance Sayers, and Mia Tsai as they discuss what stories can teach us about resistance and how to fight for the possibilities of the future.