Kate Elliott presents “Do Not Be Satisfied with Stories: Narrative Structure and Expectations”

Join Kate Elliot at Borderland Books on Friday, January 12 6-8PM for a special presentation.
We’re thrilled to welcome author and sponsor Kate Elliott, who will be doing a (rescheduled) fascinating powerpoint lecture (all images or short clips! no boring text slides!) on how the expectations we bring to a story influence how we engage with the story, with a particular emphasis on how opening paragraphs (and opening sequences in films) often rely on familiarity and cultural knowledge to draw us in. Kate will focus on science fiction and fantasy stories, most of which will be familiar to Borderlands Books’ customers. Kate has given versions of this presentation to acclaim at Sasquan/Worldcon 2015 and at the Sirens Conference 2015. She will be happy to answer questions and sign books after the lecture. We hope you’ll join us for this interesting and practical event!

Photo: April Quintanilla
For more information on THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Julie Dillon
Design by Elizabeth Story