SLOW BULLETS is a good novel

At the Spanish-language EL
ÚLTIMO DESEO FANTÁSTICO, Aitor reviews Alastair Reynolds’ SLOW BULLETS.
(Poor translation courtesy of Google)
In Alastair Reynolds I read a lot less than you would like, for now only REVELATION SPACE and CHASM CITY, and in the same year were published in Spain (2003 and 2004 respectively) but of which I have very good memories and that placed Reynolds as one of my favorite writers in the genre of science fiction, making myself I still wonder why I have not read most of it … But hey, this is something I would very much and I hope to remedy slowly and even more after reading SLOW BULLETS, who despite being a tad below the level of the author that I have in my mind, is a good story thanks to its setting and characters left wanting more.
BULLETS is a good novel, which reads very fast, recommended for
all fans of the author.
Read the rest of Aitor’s review at EL ÚLTIMO DESEO FANTÁSTICO.
For more about SLOW BULLETS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty.
Design by Elizabeth Story.