Tachyon tidbits featuring Brandon Sanderson, Brian Hodge, and Lise Quintana
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles from around the web.

Brandon Sanderson (Ceridwen Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Commons)/Brian Hodge/Lise Quintana

The German site DAUGHTER OF INK AND PAPER reviewed Brandon Sanderson’s Hugo Award-winning THE EMPEROR’S SOUL.
For such a short book, it is remarkably good. It is one of those stories that you inhaled, which are one burned into the bone (you can see on my flowery language that I’m really blown away). If you want to read a fantasy book, then note this. The fun may seem amusing, but it is long-lasting. Believe me. Breathless five springs for one of my new favorite books!
(Translation from the German, courtesy of Google)

On his eponymous site, Brian Hodge responds to a recent review of Ellen Datlow’s THE MONSTROUS which called out his contribution “Our Turn Too Will One Day Come.”
Had to bite my tongue at a recent review, though, in which the reviewer liked my beasties, but just couldn’t buy the connection I was trying to draw between Estes Park, CO, and the Scottish Highlands. Ummm, I don’t have to draw anything. The connection is there already, whether the reviewer is buying it or not. Every September there’s even a big Scottish festival up there, complete with Highland games.
More direct to the inspiration for the story itself, my favorite trailhead from which to hike lies at the end of a road called MacGregor Drive, which leads through the one-time ranch land of some prominent homesteaders from the 1870s.
MacGregor … you know, as in Clan MacGregor … Rob Roy MacGregor…
The lesson: If you’re going to spout off against something, make sure your argument is a little more substantial than a huffy, “Well,that can’t be!”

The ASSOCIATION OF WRITERS & WRITING PROGRAMS profiles Zoetic Press Editor-in-Chief Lise Quintana. Her response to the query “Who are your favorite literary publishers?” is particularly interesting.
I’m a sucker for genre fiction, so of course my favorite publishers are houses like Tor, Tachyon Publications, and Bantam Spectra.
For more info on THE EMPEROR’S SOUL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Alexander Nanitchkov
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more on THE MONSTROUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Reiko Murakami
Illustrations by John Coulthart
Cover design by Elizabeth Story