In the World Fantasy nominated WICKED WONDERS, Ellen Klages makes virtually any setting vivid and each situation compelling

For BIBLIOFILES, Emily Z recommends Ellen Klages’ WICKED WONDERS.
With a focus on memories, friendships, growing up, growing apart, and hard decisions, there’s a wistful feel to this diverse collection. With her fertile imagination and wicked sense of humor, Klages makes virtually any setting vivid and each situation compelling.
Episode 34 of LEVAR BURTON READS features Klages’ story “Singing on a Star.”

Photo: Scott R. Kline
Marissa Lingen on NOVEL GAZING REDUX praises the collection.
I think people talk about whether authors have idealized childhood or focused on its dark side, but they don’t talk a lot about the focus and intensity of being a particular kind of small child. I was that kind of small child. I think Ellen was too, because she completely nails it, and whatever the plot is, I am there for that kind of vivid writing about that part of life. This is a series of short stories, not all about childhood, but a lot; not all dark, but a lot. Recommended.
The trailer for David Graham Tennant’s movie Amicae Aeternum, based on Klages’ short story of the same name.
Eleven-year old Corrine Garcia-Kelly can’t sleep. Lost in the process of creating one last list “Twenty reasons why it sucks to be me”, she picks up her trusty teddy bear LB, climbs out the bedroom window and wanders through the deserted neighbourhood to rendezvous with best friend, Anna. As much as she’s preoccupied, Corry begins to experience and appreciate just how beautiful the world around her really is. Little details to be absorbed, cherished and remembered.
Milli Wilkinson as ‘Corry’ and Imogen Tear as ‘Anna’, deliver a heartfelt portrayal of childhood friends spending their final morning together, riding bikes, watching the sunrise and playing down by the creek. A tale of loss, transformation and the insignificance of our place within the infinite, ‘Amicae Aeternum’ is a tale of learning what to hold dear and of when to let go.
For more info about WICKED WONDERS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story