James Morrow and Daryl Gregory together is a hoot


Living in the same Pennsylvania town has afforded the close friends, Daryl Gregory and James Morrow, the opportunity to jointly promote their new Tachyon titles:  We Are All Completely Fine and The Madonna and the Starship. One such event was recently captured by Michael Swanwick on his Flogging Babel blog.

Saturday, I went to Big Blue Marble in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, to hear James Morrow and Daryl Gregory read.  It was a hoot.

Jim read from his latest book, The Madonna and the Starship, a novella in which a writer of pulp television has to face down diabolical space lobsters.  Daryl read from We Are All Completely Fine, in which survivors of various horror-movie scenarios undergo group therapy.

In the audience were many writers including Fran Wilde, Eugene Myers, and Darrell Schweitzer.

Also, for some reason, a lot of psychiatrists.

Read the rest of Swanwick’s thoughts on the event at the Flogging Babel.


For information on We Are All Completely Fine, visit the Tachyon page.

Cover design by Elizabeth Story.

For more on The Madonna and the Starshipvisit the Tachyon page.

Cover and design by Elizabeth Story.