The phenomenal THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES is buoyed by R. B. Lemberg’s gorgeous and lush prose
Even more sensational reviews for R. B. Lemberg’s forthcoming THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES (not due until September, but available for pre-order from your favorite bookseller or direct from Tachyon).

Charles Payseur on QUICK SIP REVIEWS praises both the novella and the BirdVerse universe.
As always, the piece offers a breathtaking and vivid introduction to a setting that is all about connections and patterns. BirdVerse is beautifully rendered fantasy full of magic and adventure, but also achingly real in its depictions of intolerance, corruption, kindness, and family. There is a living quality to the world, and I love how this work simultaneously welcomes new readers while further rewarding existing fans who can appreciate the intricately woven details and connections of the setting at large. BirdVerse remains a tapestry without a singular beginning or end, but rather a work of art that allows the reader to let their eyes wander the many scenes and cities, following threads from work to work (and across formats of poetry and prose) and always discovering more to explore and enjoy. A phenomenal read!
BOOK BLOGGING (WITH A PURPOSE), with their 5/5 review, feels much the same.
Lemberg’s prose is gorgeous and lush. I found myself devouring it whole. The two central characters, Uiziya and the nameless man, are compelling and interesting. Their emotions were raw and real. I felt like I understood them and that they would understand me too. I truly felt for the nameless man and how he had felt trapped, how he could not be his true self where he lived.
At INSTAGRAM, Erin Mason (witchy_book_bragon) adds their thoughts.