Jane Yolen Prize Pack Sweepstakes!

Photo: Jason Stemple
The fine folks over at TOR.COM are giving away three of Jane Yolen’s remarkable books including her latest collection HOW TO FRACTURE A FAIRY TALE.

Jane Yolen has two books coming out in the next week—Finding Baba Yaga, available October 30th from Tor.com Publishing, and HOW TO FRACTURE A FAIRY TALE, available November 5th from Tachyon! To celebrate, we want to send you a copy of each of these books, along with a copy of her classic Briar Rose, which was recently reissued by Tor!
In Finding Baba Yaga, a young woman discovers the power to speak up and take control of her fate—a theme that has never been more timely than it is now. Natasha gathers the strength to leave her controlling father and quiescent mother, and comes upon a little house in the wood: A house that walks about on chicken feet and is inhabited by a fairy tale witch. In finding Baba Yaga, Natasha finds her voice, her power, herself….
In HOW TO FRACTURE A FAIRY TALE, Yolen breaks open the classics to reveal their crystalline secrets: a philosophical bridge that misses its troll, a spinner of straw as a falsely accused moneylender, the villainous wolf adjusting poorly to retirement. Each of these offerings features a new author note and original poem, illuminating tales that are old, new, and brilliantly refined.
And Yolen’s graceful retelling of the German folktale of “Briar Rose”—known to some as “Sleeping Beauty”—sets the story amid forests patrolled by the German army during World War II. Yolen confronts the deeply tragic events of the Holocaust with lyrical prose and rich characterizations that tell a tale of good and evil, hope and despair.
Visit TOR.COM for details.
For more info on HOW TO FRACTURE A FAIRY TALE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story