Alastair Reynolds’ SLOW BULLETS receives Canopus Award nomination

100 Year Starship (100YSS) recently named the finalists in the 2016-17 Canopus Award for Excellence in Interstellar Writing. Alastair Reynolds’ SLOW BULLETS garnered a nomination for Previously Published Short-Form Fiction.
The Canopus Award is a writing prize recognizing the finest fiction and non-fiction works that engage broad audiences and enhance the understanding excitement, and knowledge of interstellar space exploration and travel.
Winners will be announced and honored at the 100YSS Nexus on Saturday, August 12 in Los Angeles.
Congratulations to all the nominees.

Previously Published
Long-Form Fiction (40,000 words or more)
SMALL, ANGRY PLANET by Becky Chambers (Harper Voyager) - DARK ORBIT by
Carolyn Ives Gilman (Tor) - SEVENEVES by Neal
Stephenson (HarperCollins) - THE THREE-BODY
PROBLEM by Cixin Liu, Translated by Ken Liu (Tor) - ARKWRIGHT by Allen
Steele (Tor)
Previously Published
Short-Form Fiction (between 1,000 and 40,000 words)
- “Slow Bullets”
by Alastair Reynolds (Tachyon Publications) - “This Long Vigil”
by Rhett C. Bruno (Perihelion) - “The Citadel of
Weeping Pearls” by Aliette de Bodard (ASIMOV’S SCIENCE FICTION) - “Wavefronts of
History and Memory” by David D. Levine (ANALOG SCIENCE FICTION AND
FACT) - “The Four
Thousand, The Eight Hundred” by Greg Egan (Originally by ASIMOV’S
SCIENCE FICTION; Reprinted by Subterranean Press) - “Whom He May
Devour” by Alex Shvartsman (Nautilus) - “Love and
Relativity” by Stewart C. Baker (Originally by NATURE PHYSICS;
Previously Published
Nonfiction (between 1,000 and 40,000 words)
- “A Terrestrial
Planet Candidate in a Temperate Orbit Around Proxima” by Guillem
Anglada-Escude, et al. (NATURE) - “A Science
Critique of Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson” by Stephen Baxter,
James Benford, and Joseph Miller (Centauri Dreams) - WELCOME TO MARS:
MAKING A HOME ON THE RED PLANET by Buzz Aldrin and Marianne Dyson
(National Geographic) - “Let’s All Go to
Mars” by John Lanchester (LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS) - “Our Worldship
Broke!” by Jim Beall (Baen Books)
Original Fiction
(1,000-5,000 words)
- “The Quest for New
Cydonia” by Russell Hemmell - “Sleeping
Westward” by Lorraine Schein - “Luminosity” by
Adeene Denton - “Mission” by
Yoshifumi Kakiuchi - “Envoy” by K. G.
Original Non-Fiction
(1,000-5,000 words)
- “Motivatingly
Plausible Ways to Reach the Stars” by James Blodgett - “Microbots—The
Seeds of Interstellar Civilization” by Robert Buckalew - “An Anthropic
Program for the Long-Term Survival of Humankind” by Roberto Paura - “Terraforming
Planets, Geoengineering Earth” by James Fleming
Original College
Writing (1,000-5,000 words)
- “A Kingdom of
Ends” by Ryan Burgess - “Ethics in Space”
by Greg Becker
For more info about SLOW BULLETS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty
Design by Elizabeth Story