Tachyon tidbits featuring Peter S. Beagle

Photo: Rina Weisman
Andrea Weil on her German-language blog recounts her meeting with Peter S. Beagle at the 2019 Dublin Worldcon.
“Sorry, Mr. Beagle, I did not know that I bought pornography here.” So I handed him my copy. He opened his eyes. "O my goodness! I have not seen that for years.
Where did you get that from? “I explained this with ebay and that it is
not easy to get to his works in Germany, but I always read them in the
original, because I admire his language. He beamed properly, asked for my name, wrote and wished me a nice con. I managed to keep my dignity by about five steps, holding the book firmly against my chest. Then I squeaked uncontrollably, read the dedication again and the tears came into my eyes. Is not it nice that this moment was not only special for me, but also made him happy? There is nothing more to say: "For Andrea – the book that was the most fun of all!”
Translation for German, courtesy of Google.

Alex Dueben on his eponymous site praises Beagle’s SUMMERLONG.
SUMMERLONG is such a precisely drawn, beautifully written book. It was a
pleasure to read even after summer has ended and even when the
characters behave in wrenching ways. This is a book that doesn’t offer a
happy, pat ending. It is a book, though, that was hard to put down.
This is no fairy tale; but it is magic.

At CHANGING HANDS’ Tempe, AZ location, the sci-fi/fantasy book club is discussing THE OVERNEATH on Thursday, December 12, 7PM.
For more info on SUMMERLONG, visit the Tachyon page
Cover art by Magdalena Korzeniewska
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on THE OVERNEATH, visit the Tachyon page
Cover design by Elizabeth Story