It’s official! HAP AND LEONARD to return, both on TV and in books

James Purefoy and Michael K. Williams as Hap and Leonard
On Twitter, James “Hap” Purefoy made the announcement.
On a brighter note @HapAndLeonard has been officially picked up for Season 2..

In other Hap and Leonard news, Joe R. Lansdale’s not-so-dynamic duo will return in the spring to Tachyon with an original mosaic novel of the boys early years, at time when they first met as very young men. That’s on top of the 10th Hap and Leonard novel RUSTY PUPPY from Mulholland Books.

Not Hap and Leonard related but of interest to Lansdale fans, Cheryl Eddy at IO9 explains Why Bubba Ho-Tep May Be the Most Perfect B-Movie Ever Made.
BUBBA HO-TEP is about foul-mouthed ancient mummies, conspiracy theories, and the ultimate battle between good and evil. It’s also a surprisingly layered tale about growing old, regrets, and redemption. And it stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley. Is this the perfect B-movie? If not, it’s damn near close.

Adapted from Joe Lansdale’s novella by Don Coscarelli (Phantasm), who also directs, Bubba Ho-Tep is that rare cinematic combination of totally unique story and near-perfect execution. The set-up is entirely insane: an aging Elvis meets an aging John F. Kennedy—played by Ossie Davis, because the presumed-dead POTUS was “dyed black” after Dallas—in a sleepy Texas nursing home, and they team up to battle a cowboy hat-clad mummy who begins terrorizing the place. (Are these guys who they believe themselves to be, or are they just delusional? Doesn’t matter, really.) The premise is so goofy that it shouldn’t work, but it absolutely does.
For more info on HAP AND LEONARD, visit the Tachyon page.
For more info about HAP AND LEONARD RIDE AGAIN, visit the Tachyon page.
Covers by Elizabeth Story