THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY brims with extraordinary tales
With the imminent release of Peter S. Beagle and Jacob Weisman’s recommended THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, the Internet is abuzz about the anthology.

Peter S. Beagle (photo: Rina Weisman) and Jacob Weisman
For THE BRAZEN BULL, Doreen Castellanos lavishes the book with praise.
With THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, Jacob Weisman and Peter S. Beagle have composed one of the strongest fantasy anthologies I have read in a long time, brimming with extraordinary tales that range from thought-provoking to spine-tingling.
The book opens with Alyssa Wong’s jaw-droppingly powerful and seductive “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers,” (a warning to anyone still using Tindr to find a date), and ends with a mesmerizing reminder of the importance storytelling with Usman T. Malik’s “The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn”.
This collection of intoxicating tales dazzles and delights. Sometimes sweet, sometimes seductive, but always satisfying.
THE ILLUSTRATED PAGE enjoys the collection.
What a great collection!
THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY is a collection of recent (2010 or later) fantasy short stories by emerging authors, as selected by Peter S. Beagle, author of The Last Unicorn. I picked the collection up because I already recognized some of the names on the front and adored their work. Turns out some of my favorite short stories were already included!
Overall, THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY is a very strong collection and one that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend. It is perfect for anyone who looking to discover some of the newest talent in the genre, as well as for anyone who just loves a good story.

Marlene Harris at LIBRARY JOURNAL discusses THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY in her genre spotlight.
Smaller presses, too, are pushing for more inclusivity with stories that represent the broad range of human diversity in terms of culture, race, gender, and sexuality. “Genre publishers are definitely committed to exploring previously unheard perspectives,” notes Jacob Weisman, publisher of Tachyon Publications.
Its August release THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, coedited by veteran fantasy author Peter S. Beagle and Weisman, features some of the rising stars of the past few years, including Max Gladstone, Sofia Samatar, and Alyssa Wong, as well as introducing other writers of color, LGBTQ authors, and newcomers from outside the United States. “This is directly attributable to more inclusiveness in genre publishing in the short story markets,” explains Weisman. “I firmly believe that these writers will emerge as major [authors] in our field within the next few years.”
The Portuguese RASCUNHOS likes the anthology.
Although it has not appreciated all the stories of equal form, because the styles and sorts are very diverse, this collection has a very high quality narrative. Not all stories feature elements that stand out for originality, but all are well written and structured. They are mostly short stories that have what it takes to get them involved, but without too much detail that breaks the rhythm or imbalances the story. For those interested in upgrading to what has been published recently, that’s a good bet.
(Translation from Portuguese courtesy of Google)
For more info about THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Camille André
Cover design by Elizabeth Story