Pre-pub excitement for Kameron Hurley‘s brilliant MEET ME IN THE FUTURE
Though not due out until August, Kameron Hurley’s MEET ME IN THE FUTURE has already garnered several fantastic notices.

Both PUBLISHERS WEEKLY and BOOKLIST awarded the collection starred reviews.
With snapshots of futures that haunt, obsess, or tantalize, this collection from Hugo-winner Hurley (The Light Brigade) offers 16 hard-edged pieces that gleam like gems in a mosaic.
In her introduction, Hurley (The Light Brigade, 2019) admits that short stories aren’t her typical fare: her heart belongs to novels. And yet, she has produced one of the best story collections of the past few years. Hurley imagines brutal worlds, and her work is typically violent and vulgar. But as these stories make clear, her visions offer much more than shock value: these tales are emotionally powerful, lyrical, occasionally hopeful, and flirt with the profound. She creates worlds and characters as full and fascinating in a dozen pages as any she offers in her longer works.
GRIMDARK MAGAZINE expressed similar sentiments.
MEET ME IN THE FUTURE is a brilliant story collection that both amazes the reader with Hurley’s incredible imaginative genius and writing chops as well as it takes hold of the readers emotions like only the best fiction can. These stories are not only great reading, but they’re also great re-reading, as I’ve found in the process of writing this review. Readers who appreciate the best that SFF and grim science fiction have to offer should definitely be reading Kameron Hurley.
For info on MEET ME IN THE FUTURE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Carl Sutton
Design by Elizabeth Story