STARLINGS by Jo Walton preview: “Jane Austen to Cassandra”
In celebration of the release of Jo Walton’s STARLINGS, Tachyon presents glimpses from some of the volume’s magnificent tales.

Austen to Cassandra
by Jo Walton
thought to have removed to Winchester by now, but Eliza has taken a
chill and so we stay here another week, and you should not expect us
to join you until after Whitsun.
me explain to you the advantages of remaining longer in this
neighbourhood—there are two tolerable walks, one linen draper, with
very poor stock, our apartments remain as unsuitable as I explained
in my last letter, and Aunt Tilson has not learned the knack of
keeping good servants. Nevertheless, these little deficits are made
up by the company. Aunt Tilson chatters on with perpetual good cheer,
little Anna is learning her scales and should be a fine singer one
day since she practices constantly, and the curate does not call
above thrice on any usual day.
only comfort is that you should not have to endure all this, though
if you were here to laugh with me I might be more comfortable. Do
tell me how you all go on at home.
saw the gazetted beauty Miss Pelham in church on Sunday, but did not
speak. I did not think so much of her looks as they are esteemed, her
curls were crimped very tight and the fruit seemed to weigh down her
hat sadly. Her manner was very gracious, bowing to left and right.
There is no doubt she knows her reputation and means to live up to
it, and I dare swear she will have a husband by this day twelvemonth.
weather remains very dirty, with much rain, varied by high gales. No
surprise Eliza succumbed to a chill, it is rather a wonder the rest
of us have managed to find health thus far supportable. I did warn
Eliza to put on her wrapper, and that she should not linger out of
doors on our way home from church, but she paid no attention, and
this is the inevitable result.
should close now so that Iris might get it into the post so it might
reach you before you begin to expect us and then be disappointed.
For more info on STARLINGS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story