Meet the sensational Michael Swanwick, author of NOT SO MUCH, SAID THE CAT

Photo: Beth Gwinn
Join five-time Hugo Award-winner Michael Swanwick in celebration of his new collection NOT SO MUCH, SAID THE CAT at Fairway, Kansas’s Rainy Day Books on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM

“OK—it’s official. Michael Swanwick is a god. He makes worlds that work, every tick and tock of them. He makes people who cry, sweat, puke, fall in love, die in conceivable ways. He’s smart and crafty, passionate and wily. Both trickster and life-giver. He creates and uncreates. And yes, he brings Light. If I don’t exactly worship him, I read every story of his I can get my hands on. So thanks, Tachyon for bringing me more stories—some old favorites, some I hadn’t read before. Because gods need their readers, and God knows, I need more Swanwick.”
—Jane Yolen, author of Briar Rose
“[Swanwick’s] writing is flawless and creative, his characters incredibly well-developed for short stories, and the descriptive nature of his text can make you feel as if you’re living in these other worlds right along with the characters.”
—Times Union
“Half Neil Gaiman, half Kelly Link, wonderfully unique.”
—Book Riot
“Swanwick can move between genres so effortlessly and so competently that there’s no need for limitations.”
—Green Man Review
“I would effuse about the excellence of the stories within this collection—Michael Swanwick’s eleventh such—for they are by turns shocking, delightful, puckish, innovative, and electric… . However, I am too busy plotting how to steal the devil’s stone (given to him by a Siberian shaman) that Michael keeps by his typewriter in order to unlock his writing power, all without disturbing his cat.”
—Fran Wilde, author of Updraft and Cloudbound

Beelzebub demands you buy multiple copies! It makes a great throne.
“This is standard Swanwick, where the reader’s feet never quite touch the ground. Brilliant.”
—Jack McDevitt, author of The Engines of God
“Michael Swanwick is one of our most reliably entertaining and provocative writers.”
—Greg Bear, author of Darwin’s Radio
“Is there any SF writer, living or dead or cryonically suspended, who rivals Michael Swanwick for sheer virtuosity? I think not. From the hard-sf poignancy of ‘The Woman Who Shook the World Tree’ to the Borgesian high jinks of ‘The Man in Gray,’ from the beguiling folk fantasy of ‘The Dala Horse’ to the post-cyberpunk intensity of ‘Libertarian Russia,’ from the Bulgakov-inflected phantasmagoria of ‘Of Finest Scarlet Was Her Gown’ to the psychological realism (and biological surrealism) of ‘Passage of Earth’—I could go on—Not So Much, Said the Cat reveals an author who is a Jack-of-all-genres and their master as well.”
—James Morrow author of Galápagos Regained
For more information on NOT SO MUCH, SAID THE CAT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story