Will they every stop talking about R. B. Lemberg’s THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES? We hope not

Gabrielle Bleu, on their eponymous blog, includes R. B. Lemberg’s THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES among Stories that brought me solace in 2020.
Will I ever stop talking about THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES? It’s not likely. What a joy to have been one of the last books I read in 2020. Lemberg has created such a rich and living world, with the lore of deep names and profound weaves. The pacing is gentle even as the protagonists must struggle against a tyrant, and against stifling and cruel boundaries on how it is allowable to exist as a person. But the protagonists also prop each other up, and find allies, and make their own ways of being in the world.

NERDS OF FEATHER, FLOCK TOGETHER recommends, without comment, the novella for a Hugo Award.