YESTERDAY’S KIN is one of the most extreme versions of “Can women have it all?”

For GLAMOUR, Jennifer Memmolo reveals “These Award-Winning Women-Authored Sci-Fi Summer Reads Are Out of This World,” including Nancy Kress’ Nebula award winning YESTERDAY’S KIN.
Nancy Kress is a four-time winner in this category who writes stories known for placing the more fantastic element of science fiction in a more grounded setting (think more District 9 than Hunger Games). Yesterday’s Kin is a story about geneticist Marianne Jenner, a woman trying to juggle a career breakthrough with a family that’s falling apart. To top everything off, aliens just landed in New York and they’ve revealed their intentions to be…not so great. Consider this novella one of the most extreme versions of “Can women have it all?” in recent fiction, with serious family conflict and alien predators to boot.
For the rest of Memmolo’s selections, visit GLAMOUR.

Also of interest to Nancy Kress fans is the Phoenix Pick EBook of the Month. Her classic, Hugo and Nebula award winning novella “Beggars in Spain” is available as a pay-what-you-want ebook.
Phoenix Pick has all the details.
For more on YESTERDAY’S KIN, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty.