TOUGH TRAVELING with Daryl Gregory and Peter V. Brett (TENTACLES PREFERRED)

The weekly BIBLIOSANCTUM feature TOUGH TRAVELING focuses on the slimy and tentacled.
The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan of Review Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in (and inspired by) The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone who is interested to come play along, so be sure to check out the first link for more information.
This week’s tour topic is: Otherworldly Creatures (Tentacles Preferred)

Among the numerous books (fiction and non-), comics, games, and movies were two Tachyon related titles.
Harrison Squared by Daryl Gregory
When Harrison Harrison (nicknamed Harrison Squared by his scientist mother, because geek humor is the best kind of humor) was a toddler, his family’s boat was capsized by something huge in the water. Officially, the authorities said that it was a sharp piece of metal that claimed Harrison’s leg, and that the storm was what drowned his father, but Harrison knew he saw: GIANT TENTACLES.
HARRISON SQUARED is the young adult prequel to Gregory’s Shirley Jackson award winning novella WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY FINE.

The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett
I honestly don’t remember this part at all, but I recently finished reading the Demon Cycle novella collection THE GREAT BAZAAR & BRAYAN’S GOLD and in the back of it was a description of water demons that first mentioned in The Warded Man and appeared in The Desert Spear. And I quote, “Some breeds have tentacles ending in sharp bone.”

Read the rest of the fascinating tentacle selections at BIBLIOSANCTUM.
For information on WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY FINE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about THE GREAT BAZAAR & BRAYAN’S GOLD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story.