The recommended CENTRAL STATION reads like a sci-fi classic

Photo: Kevin Nixon. © Future Publishing 2013
Lavie Tidhar tweets a pic of the Hugo Award-winning Ian McDonald talking about CENTRAL STATION.
The great @iannmcdonald shilling a great novel to the grateful people of Spain

PLAN TO BE HAPPY praises the novel.
Many of the chapters were originally published as individual short stories, making CENTRAL STATION read like a hybrid between a single narrative and linked short stories. As a result of this structure, though, a few story lines felt unfinished. It also reads like a sci-fi classic, which is right up my alley.
The world of CENTRAL STATION is so realistically drawn by Tidhar that his descriptions of fantastical aspects of the future seem like references to completely commonplace occurrences. Of course there’s a robot priest, preaching to appliances, cyborgs, and robots in the Church of Robot. Of course people live their lives with a node embedded, connecting them to everyone else in the digital world.

The Spanish-language site SENSE OF WONDER reviews the book.
In short, wonderful novel that I loved from beginning to end and thoroughly recommend it . Tidhar has done an incredible job reflecting CENTRAL STATION a rich, vivid and humane society.
(Translation from Spanish courtesy of Google)
On his website, Tidhar announced THE JEWISH MEXICAN LITERARY REVIEW.
I’m delighted to announce THE JEWISH MEXICAN LITERARY REVIEW, with a brand-new issue live at This is a new (old-new?) ecclectic magazine, free online, co-edited by myself and Silvia Moreno-Garcia.

We’ve got poetry from Bryan Thao Worra and Ng Yi-Sheng, fantastic new fiction from Naomi Alderman and Kuzhali Manickavel, and dual-language fiction from Nelly Geraldine Garcia Rosas (Spanish and English) and Shimon Adaf (Hebrew and English). Plus David Bowles with a Nahuatl dictionary.
Reviews come courtesy of Molly Tanzer and Orrin Grey. The fantastic cover art is by Jason Wright, who is the subject of this issue’s illustrated interview.
Jews! Mexicans! Bacon! Poetry! Multiple award winning authors! Imaginary films! Politics! Pornography! And zombies!
For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton