Happy birthday to the Hugo Award winner Jo Walton

Beginning with THE KING’S PEACE (2000), Jo Walton’s 13 novels have garnered much acclaim. Not satisfied with just her 2002 Campbell for Best New Writer, Walton has won the World Fantasy (TOOTH AND CLAW, 2003), Prometheus (HA’PENNY, 2007), Mythopoeic (LIFELODE, 2009), and Tiptree (MY REAL CHILDREN, 2014) awards. AMONG OTHERS (2011) received the trifecta of Hugo, Nebula, and British Fantasy awards.

Her three volumes of poetry include MUSES AND LURKERS (2001), SIBYLS AND SPACESHIPS (February 2009), and RIVERS AND ROBOTS IN THE HELIX AND THE HARD ROAD (2013). A selection of her non-fiction from TOR.COM were collected in WHAT MAKES THIS BOOK SO GREAT (2014).

Walton’s other works include the Thessaly trilogy (THE JUST CITY
[2015], THE PHILOSOPHER KINGS [2015], NECESSITY [2016]) and the forthcoming fiction and poetry collection STARLINGS.
All of us at Tachyon wish the talented and insightful Jo, a magnificent birthday.
For more info on STARLINGS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story