Goodbye to the respected Linn Prentis

Image from the Linn Prentis Twitter page
Literary agent Linn Prentis died December 24, 2016 at 72.
After 15 years, Prentis left the Virginia Kidd Agency to form the Linn Prentis Agency. Originally in New York, she relocated to just outside of Seattle, Washington in 2011, maintaining offices in both Washington and New York.
Prentis’ many clients included Kage Baker, Patricia Briggs, Rick Bowes, and A.M. Dellamonica.
“I first met her when she was with the Kidd agency and Tachyon published a couple of titles with the agency’s clients: a chapbook of poetry by Tiptree and another chapbook by Ward Moore,” reminisces Tachyon Publisher Jacob Weisman. “Our edition of HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER came later. Linn and I became good friends after she left the Kidd Agency and started her own literary agency. Her Harlem apartment was something of a home away from home for me. I’d stay in the back room of her apartment when I traveled to our distributor’s sales conferences in NYC, until she moved to Seattle to live closer to her daughter and Tachyon switched distributors.”
Our thoughts are with her loved ones.