Meet the award-winning writer and editor Rick Wilber at Necronomicon 2016

Rick Wilber, editor of the acclaimed FUTURE MEDIA, will be attending the 35th Necronomicon in Tampa, FL, October 28-30.

It began back in 1982, in the first few years of Stone Hill. They put on a couple of 1 and 2 day conventions (Stone Hill Launch I & II, UniversiCon) and decided that they were ready to move up to a big 3 day convention. They planned to have it in the Fall, and around Halloween seemed appropriate. With this in mind, the name of Necronomicon was put forward and accepted.

This year’s Guests of Honor are Steven Barnes and Steven Brust.
For more info about FUTURE MEDIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Josh Beatman