The excellent HANNU RAJANIEMI: COLLECTED FICTION is imbued with the strange

The reviews for HANNU RAJANIEMI: COLLECTED FICTION keep rolling in.
(Disclaimer: Inglés is my second language, so I want to apologize in advance for May there be mistakes in the text below If you find any, please let me know so I can correct it That I’d really appreciate it Thanks… .)
Hannu Rajaniemi I consider to be one of the Most Interesting Currently publishing short fiction writers in the science fiction field. THUS, I Approached His Collected Fiction with great expectations. Both I was looking forward to reading the stories That I did not know and to re-reading Those Encountered That I Had before. I was surprised, for different Reasons and in different ways, by Both groups.
Anyway, I recommend Collected Fiction, Especially if You Have not read Rajaniemi’s short fiction before. There are quite a few superb stories here (“Deus Ex Homine”, “The Server and the Dragon,” “His Master’s Voice”, “Invisible Planets” or “Elegy for a Young Elk”, for instance) and the book is worth for them alone. And even if You have read them before in other places, the experience of watching them interact and form a bigger, more complete whole is very rewarding.

Start a new science fiction trilogy is not something for the time being attracted me.That is why I have postponed the reading of The Fractal Prince, the first book of Hannu Rajaniemi that posted in the Anglo-Saxon publishers to be nominated for several international awards. Having had the opportunity to read the author’s collection of stories, and I did not hesitate, even extensive, it is excellent, although imbued with strange – or scenarios or contexts are routine, let alone the final.
Invisible Planets presents us with many different strange worlds – civilizations that discovered the elixir of life in decomposed bodies, experiencing gravity (and dimensions) differently or trading prospects with the ability to see through the eyes of others. Of course, among all these worlds could not miss one made of books, a tribute to Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino.
The connection with the classics does not end here. Skywalker of Earth has strongly reminiscent vernianas, a great and fun scientific rivalry story that spans several decades and galaxies, with macho mad scientists and caught in strong contrary ideologies, silly women clones and impossible rockets capable of made more impressionable.
These are not all the stories of the collection – there are many more that explore life in virtual reality with mental viruses and humanized animals through genetic manipulation, horrendous wonders of technological research that ultimately not contribute to the evolution of man remains the same to you same – depressed, emotionally isolated and socially maladjusted.
(Poorly translated from Portuguese by Google)
For more info on HANNU RAJANIEMI: COLLECTED FICTION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Lius Lasahido
Design by Elizabeth Story