Tachyon tidbits featuring Peter S. Beagle, Jacob Weisman, Avram Davidson, James DeMaiolo, and David Ebenbach
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.
Jacob Weisman and Peter Beagle (photo: Jill Roberts) Avram Davidson (Source: OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER) James DeMaiolo David Ebenbach
Lucy Powell for SHORELINE OF INFINITY praises Peter S. Beagle and Jacob Weisman’s THE UNICORN ANTHOLOGY.
A collection of short stories all in some ways about unicorns, this anthology offers readers a variety of different fresh, exciting perspectives and engaging prose on the ages-old, and well known, mythical animal. Whilst there are a myriad of different authors chosen for this work, the collection of voices and styles edited together by Beagle and Weisman all sit seamlessly together, making an anthology that is consistently well-rounded and fresh as you flip from story to story.

L.W. Currey is selling the original typed manuscript to Avram Davidson’s THE BOSS IN THE WALL.
A clean copy of a book proposal for a projected novel to be written by Avram Davidson and Grania Davis, based on an unpublished novella by Davidson (later published in a version attributed to Davidson and Davis by Tachyon in 1998) which evolved into an “enormous and unwieldy novel ms” by Davidson completed prior to 1988. The draft history of the earliest versions is a bit tangled. Davidson and Davis were represented by two different literary agents in earlier years. In his notes on the Davidson manuscript archive now in the Texas A&M library, Henry Wessells records an 87 page novella manuscript and a 563 novel manuscript (both unpublished), as well as a third version in collaboration with Grania Davis. So far, no novel version of this work has been published. In the Tachyon version, the text begins with the same line as the present manuscript, but is preceded by a three page prologue not present in this version, and ends with an entirely different line of text.
Cover by Michael Dashow BOSS IN THE WALL [Novel]. Typed Manuscript (TMs).