Meet the legendary grandmaster Michael Moorcock

Source: A.V. CLUB
Michael Moorcock, creator of numerous legendary characters such as the definitive fantasy anti-hero Elric, the proto-cyberpunk Jerry Cornelius, and arguably the first modern steampunk protagonist Oswald Bastable, will be attending the Silicon Valley Comic Con, April 6-8, in San Jose, CA.

Silicon Valley Comic Con brings together America’s two greatest superheroes: Pop Culture and Technology. Presented by Steve Wozniak and featuring top celebrities, comics, independent artists, cosplay, video games, consumer electronics, music and apps, Silicon Valley Comic Con is where entertainment and our electronic worlds intersect.

SVCC 2018 will take place on Friday, April 6, 2018, through Sunday, April 8, 2018, at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, California.
For more info about THE BEST OF MICHAEL MOORCOCK, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn