HOLLOW WORLD is thoroughly enjoyable and engaging


In the July (253) issue of Interzone, Simon Marshall-Jones heaps praise upon Michael J. Sullivan’s Hollow World.

Sullivan has, at least superficially, woven a sparky science-fiction yarn, but that would be too shallow a reading; there’s a lot more going on here than that. It explores the nature of love, one’s relationship to oneself and to others, to one’s environment and how it shapes human beings (both as individuals and collectively), as well as looking at how the Other is perceived.


Sullivan writes fluidly, his vivid descriptions and characterisations being especially sharp. He paints the world in bright lights and shiny colours, while Ellis Rogers is drawn as being out of joint with the new world (having been similarly burdened in his own time) as well as a man heavily infected by guilt.


This is a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging story with a satisfying philosophical edge elevating it entirely. Recommended.

Read the rest of Marshall-Jones’ review in the latest issue of Interzone.

For information on Hollow Worldvisit the Tachyon page.