Happy birthday to the acclaimed writer and editor Claude Lalumière
Born and raised in Montreal, writer and editor Claude Lalumière previously owned and managed the Montreal bookshops Nebula, danger!, and Nemo. In 1998, he left the world of bookselling and began writing reviews and criticism, most notably for January Magazine, The Montreal Gazette, The National Post, The New York Review Of Science Fiction, and Locus Online.

Beginning in 2002, with Telling Stories: New English Stories From Quebec, Lalumière has produced 16 acclaimed anthologies including Open Space: New Canadian Fantastic Fiction (2003), Witpunk (2003 with Marty Halpern), Island Dreams: Montreal Writers of the Fantastic (2003), Lust For Life: Tales of Sex and Love (2005), SUPER STORIES OF HEROES & VILLAINS (2013), Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Stories (2013 with Camille Alexa), The Exile Book of New Canadian Noir (2015 with David Nickle), and Superhero Universe (Tesseracts Nineteen 2016 with Mark Shainblum).

Lalumière authored the mosaic novels The Door To Lost Pages (2011) and Venera Dreams: A Weird Entertainment (2017) and numerous acclaimed short stories, many of which have been collected in Objects Of Worship (2009), Other Nocturnes And Other Nocturnes (2013), Altre Persone/Other Persons (2018), Tradimento e diplomazia (2021 Italian), and Spie della Seconda Guerra Globale (2021 Italian). Several of his stories have enjoyed Italian translations as part of the Robotica chapbook series including “The Patchwork Procedure” (La Procedura di assemblaggio [2021]) and “The Utopian Front” (Il Fronte utopista [2021]). His story “The Cornucopia of Dionysus” was adapted into the short film La Biere Eternelle (Eternal Beer).
All of us at Tachyon wish the multifaceted, fantastic Claude, a super birthday. Don’t forget your cape!