Patricia A. McKillip’s terrific THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD comes highly recommended

At SEATTLE BOOK REVIEW, Axie Barclay praises Patricia A. McKillip’s THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD.

Patricia McKillip, author of the acclaimed Riddlemaster trilogy, first penned THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD in the 1970s, and this re-release makes the book available for the first time in e-book format. It is no less magical reading it now than when I first encountered it. McKillip’s prose is spot-on, perfected by characters filled with raw emotions and real motivations. Sybel’s quest for vengeance may cost her everything as she travels to places where even love fears to tread. This novel, like so many of McKillip’s stories, reads like a waking dream, one readers will want to escape into again and again. This is one of those books that can’t come with enough high recommendation.

Photo: Stephen Gold/Wikimedia Commons
Via TWITTER, the acclaimed Harry Turtledove comments on the novel.

Stephen E. Andrews and Nick Rennison for LIST CHALLENGES include the book among their selection of Must-Read Fantasy Novels.
For more info about THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty