Meet & discuss the significant Peter Watts

Peter Watt’s acceptance speech at the Hugo Awards ceremony in 2010 (Johan Angelmark [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)
The University of Toronto is hosting Space Vampires & the Future of ‘I’: The Fiction of Peter Watts, a FREE two day symposium, November 10-11.

Schedule of events
- 1500-1515 Welcome / Event Introduction
- 1515-1600 Roundtable Discussion: On Peter Watts and the Science/Fiction Divide. Allan Weiss, Amy J. Ransom, Dominick Grace, Michele Braun
- 1600-1615 Peter Watts Introduction by Michael Johnstone
- 1615-1645 Peter Watts Reading
- 1645-1730 Peter Watts in Conversation with Ben Eldridge & Michael Johnstone
- 1730-1745 Peter Watts Q&A
- 1745-1800 Close / Drinks
- 1830-late Symposium dinner @ Duke of York.
- 1000-1015 Welcome / Coffee
- 1015-1145 Canonical Distortions
TBA: Edward Keller (Parsons New School of Design)
“Lenie Clarke is God”: Religion & Peter Watts. Dominick Grace (Brescia University College)
Rifters and Beyond: An (Overly) Educated Fan’s Perspective. Amy J. Ransom (Central Michigan University)
- 1145-1245 Narratological Distortions
From Simile to Metaphor: The Alien in Clarke’s Rendezvous with Rama & Watts’ Blindsight. Michael Johnstone (University of Toronto)
Sculpting the Past: Fractal Narrative in Peter Watts’ Rifters Trilogy. Devin Oxman (Concordia University)
- 1245-1330 Lunch
- 1330-1430 Cyborgs, Hybrids, and Alien Others: Peter Watts’s Posthumanism. Clare Wall (York University)
- 1430-1530 The (Grammatical) Autonomy of Angels: “Malak” and the Language of Logic. Ben Eldridge (University of Sydney)
- 1530-1630 The Influence of Paratextual Reputation on Textual Authority. Michele Braun (Mount Royal University)
- 1630-1645 Afternoon break
- 1645-1745 Peter Watts’s Rifters Trilogy and the Apocalyptic Tradition. Allan Weiss (York University)
- 1745-1800 Close / Drinks

For more info about BEYOND THE RIFT, visit the Tachyon page
Cover art by Hugh Sicotte
Design by Elizabeth Story