Sarah Anne Langton’s cover to CENTRAL STATION receives a BSFA nomination

The British Science Fiction Association announced their 2016 award nominations. Sarah Anne Langton’s CENTRAL STATION cover garnered a nomination for Best Artwork and Ann and Jeff VanderMeer a Best Non-Fiction nod for their introduction to THE BIG BOOK OF
Best Novel
- Chris Beckett –
DAUGHTER OF EDEN (Atlantic/Corvus) - Becky Chambers – A
CLOSED AND COMMON ORBIT (Hodder & Stoughton) - Dave Hutchinson –
EUROPE IN WINTER (Solaris) - Tricia Sullivan –
OCCUPY ME (Gollancz) - Nick Wood –

Best Short Fiction
- Malcolm Devlin –
The End of Hope Street (INTERZONE #266) - Jaine Fenn –
Liberty Bird (NOW WE ARE TEN, NewCon Press) - Una McCormack –
Taking Flight (CRISES AND CONFLICTS, NewCon Press) - Helen Oyeyemi –
Presence (WHAT IS NOT YOURS IS NOT YOURS, Picador) - Tade Thompson –
The Apologists (INTERZONE #266) - Aliya Whiteley –
The Arrival of Missives (Unsung Stories)
Best Non-Fiction
- Rob Hansen – THEN:
SCIENCE FICTION FANDOM IN THE UK 1930-1980 (Ansible Editions) - Erin Horáková –
Horizons) - Anna McFarlane –
Breaking the Cycle of the Golden Age: Jack Glass and Isaac Asimov’s
Foundation Trilogy (ADAM ROBERTS: CRITICAL ESSAYS, Gylphi) - Paul Graham Raven –
New Model Authors? Authority, Authordom, Anarchism and the Atomized
Text in a Networked World (ADAM ROBERTS: CRITICAL ESSAYS, Gylphi) - Geoff Ryman – 100
African Writers of SFF (TOR.COM) - Ann & Jeff
VanderMeer – Introduction to THE BIG BOOK OF SCIENCE FICTION

Best Artwork
- Juan Miguel Aguilera
– Cover of THE 1000 YEAR REICH by Ian Watson (NewCon Press) - Tara Bush –
Transition (Cover of BLACK STATIC #53) - Suzanne Dean and Kai
& Sunny – Cover of THE SUNLIGHT PILGRIMS by Jenni Fagan
(William Heinemann) - David A Hardy –
Cover of DISTURBED UNIVERSES by David L Clements (NewCon Press) - Sarah Anne Langton –
Cover for CENTRAL STATION by Lavie Tidhar (Tachyon Publications) - Chris Moore –
Cover of THE IRON TACTICIAN by Alastair Reynolds (NewCon Press)
Congratulations to all nominees.
For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton