Tachyon tidbits featuring Lavie Tidhar, Kelley Armstrong, and Eileen Gunn
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles from around the web.

Lavie Tidhar (Photo: Kevin Nixon. © Future Publishing 2013), Kelley Armstrong (photo: Kathryn Hollinrake), and Eileen Gunn (Photo: Scott Edelman)
LIBRARY JOURNAL gives Lavie Tidhar’s CENTRAL STATION a starred review.
Considering this is essentially a stitch-up novel, pulled together from short stories penned by the author over a decade, it has a strong cohesive feel, with each tale building the portrait of a fascinating future glimpsed through the lens of a tight-knit community. VERDICT Tidhar (A Man Lies Dreaming; The Violent Century) changes genres with every outing, but his astounding talents guarantee something new and compelling no matter the story he tells.

There are several stories that are unrelated to any of its series. Most are disturbing and interesting and give a very typical of the author peculiar and dark turn,. Armstrong is so common that the stories are not what we expect this part sometimes becomes a bit predictable, but still always enjoy it. My favorite of these was A Haunted House of Her Own.

But my favorite of all the anthology are those developed in the world of Cainsville. I think I’ve grown very fond of this series and two of the stories have to do with Gabriel Walsh, one of the male protagonists, the devoré. I love this enigmatic character and Devil May Care we can see something of the past. This story is exclusive to Led Astray and already dying to read it, but, being the last, I had to wait until the end to read it and loved it. It was worth reading the whole book just for that story.
You know that I love this author and her stories always make me very happy. Led Astray was no exception. I enjoyed reading these stories and now if I think I’ve already read all of it.
Translated from Spanish by Google.
ALGERNON translated Eileen Gunn’s story “Coming To Terms,” which first appeared in her collection STABLE STRATEGIES AND OTHERS, into Spanish.
Reconciliation ( Coming To Terms ) was published for the first time in STABLE STRATEGIES AND OTHERS (Tachyon Publications, 2004), one of the three collections of stories by the author, who was nominated for the awards World Fantasy Award, Philip K. Dick and James Tiptree Jr. 2005. and not only that, but as I said, the story itself also triumphed in the category of short story of the Nebula , given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

This story is in some way a tribute to another of the authors of this blog, Avram Davidson , who apparently had a habit of filling their log books. While Eileen was no friend of his, he helped the son of Avram to collect the belongings of his father after the death of this, and there was the idea behind the story. And, despite its apparent simplicity, it can not have been an easy story to write, because it took ten years to get give its final form.
Translated from Spanish by Google.
For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton
For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info about STABLE STRATEGIES AND OTHERS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John D. Berry