Fascinating and dark, Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION was one of the best SF books of 2018

In LOCUS (April 2019), Rich Horton praised Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION.
Fascinating work, and very, very dark in its implications, as with pretty much everything by Watts.

Jonathan Cowie for THE SCIENCE FACT & SCIENCE FICTION (SF²) CONCATENATION recommends the book.
This book’s first paperback edition comes from the US, specialist SF imprint, Tachyon: it is not yet out in Britain (we desperately need more of Watts over here in Blighty) but Europeans can find it, as I did, in larger bookshops as well as genre specialist ones. Or you can, if you are prepared to sink that low, get it from Amazon. The Tachyon first edition paperback also comes with a neat interior design by Elizabeth Story. Almost every other page has a word with one letter printed in red: it is as if the publisher or author wishes to send a message to the reader without anyone else knowing…
So, THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is not yet (early 2019) out in Europe. But it is , I assure you, worth seeking out as an import. Some SF² Concatenation team members nominated The Freeze-Frame Revolution as one of the best SF books of 2018: I simply had to see what all the fuss was about. What the fuss is about is a tightly written, SFnal gem, and it really is possibly one of the best SF books of 2018!

VMAC.CH enjoys the story.
THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION by Peter Watts was a book proposed by Amazon. The plot description sounded excellent and captivating, and I’ve tried the free reading example. I had some issues to get into the story and understand what’s going on, but once I passed this, the book was terrific, a good idea and perfect execution of it.
For more info on THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story