The extraordinary Avram Davidson was born 95 years ago

Born on April 23,
1923, Avram Davidson was a medic in the Marine Corps during World War
II, fought with the Israeli Army in the 1948 war for independence,
and began writing in the early 1950s as a Talmudic scholar. He
eventually produced nineteen acclaim novels including The Phoenix
in The Mirror, Clash of
Star-Kings, The Island under the
Earth, Rogue Dragon, Ursus of Ultima
Thule, and THE BOSS IN THE WALL (with Grania Davis).

more than two hundred short stories and essays were collected in Or
All the Seas with Oysters, What Strange Stars and Skies,
The Redward Edward Papers, The Best of Avram Davidson,
Avram Davidson: Collected Fantasies, The Avram Davidson
Treasury, The Investigations of Avram Davidson, and The
Other Nineteenth Century.

While at the helm of The Magazine of Fantasy and
Science Fiction from 1962 to 1964, Davidson also edited three
volumes of The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction
(13-15) and later
Magic for Sale (1983).

His works garnered
Davidson two Hugo, two World Fantasy, and an Edgar award. In 1986, he
was given the prestigious World Fantasy Award For Life Achievement.
For more information about THE BOSS IN THE WALL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Michael Dashow