Visit with HAP AND LEONARD creator Joe R. Lansdale, his ownself
Joe R. Lansdale will be hitting the trail, both literally and virtually, in celebration of the new story collection BORN FOR TROUBLE: THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF HAP AND LEONARD. Be sure to stop by and say howdy to the affable Joe.

Tuesday, March 8 4PM PT Los Angeles Public Library (virtual)
Tuesday, March 22 7PM ET Mysterious Bookshop New York, NY (virtual)
with Gary Phillips and Rick Klaw
Thursday, March 24 6:30PM CT Murder by the Book Houston, TX (IN PERSON)
Tuesday, March 29 6PM PT Mysterious Galaxy San Diego, CA (virtual)
with Gabino Iglesias

Tuesday April 5 7PM ET Wadsworth Public Library Wadsworth, OH (virtual)
Wednesday April 6 7PM Wild Detectives Dallas, TX (IN PERSON)
Thursday, April 7 7PM CT Vernon Plaza Theater Vernon, TX (IN PERSON)
includes a Hap and Leonard TV episode screening
Thursday, April 14 7PM ET Green Hand Bookshop Portland, ME (virtual)
Thursday, April 21 7PM ET South Jersey Writers Group Barrington, NJ (virtual)