Win a copy of Carrie Vaughn’s KITTY’S MIX-TAPE, the final Kitty Norville book
With the help of the fine folks at GOODREADS, we’re giving away Carrie Vaughn’s wise, kind, and always entertaining KITTY’S MIX-TAPE.

“Comfort food for the urban fantasy soul. Carrie Vaughn never disappoints. It was so nice to see my friends again! If you’ve loved Kitty’s adventures, you have been waiting for this book!”
—Seanan McGuire, author of Come Tumbling Down and Every Heart a Doorway
The final installment of the bestselling Kitty Norville series showcases the paranormal escapades of Carrie Vaughn’s fan-favorite werewolf talk-show host. This engaging short fiction collection—with its own soundtrack for each tale—is sure to delight both existing Kitty fans and anyone who enjoys urban fantasy at its grittiest and best.
“Like the rest of the Kitty Norville series, these stories are wise, kind, and always entertaining. I loved returning to Kitty’s world and enjoying these new adventures.”
—Kevin Hearne, author of The Iron Druid Chronicles
Kitty Norville still can’t stay away from trouble—of the supernatural kind.
Everyone’s favorite werewolf DJ is here to mix it up just one last time. Here you will find, or even newly discover, the irrepressible Kitty Norville with friends and enemies alike: Rick the vampire; Jessi Hardin, paranormal detective; Kitty’s husband Ben; Cormac, the bounty hunter; and the villainous Dux Bellorum. These irresistible tales are full of unpredictable twists and turns: lupines experimenting with astronomy, a cheating boxer with preternatural strength, vampires arriving from the Philippines.
As a special treat, author Carrie Vaughn (Bannerless) has provided her own selections for a mix-tape: story notes and songs dedicated to each tale.
So whatever you do, don’t miss Kitty before she is gone. . . .
“It’s one of the best collections I’ve read this year—and maybe for a good chunk of last year, too.”
—The Irresponsible Reader

Introduction by Emma Bull
- Kitty Walks on By, Calls Your Name
- It’s Still the Same Old Story
- The Island of Beasts
- The Beaux Wilde
- Unternehmen Werwolf
- Kitty and the Full Super Bloodmoon Thing
- Kitty and Cormac’s Excellent Adventure
- Sealskin
- The Arcane Art of Misdirection
- What Happened to Ben in Vegas
- Kitty and the Super Blue Blood or Whatever Moon Thing
- Defining Shadows
- Bellum Romanum
- Kitty Learns the Ropes
- Kitty Busts the Feds
Story Notes