Amidst the flotsam and jetsam of COVID-19, Marie Brennan’s imaginative DRIFTWOOD is a life preserver

THE WOVEN TALE PRESS praises the novel.
Once again, prolific author Marie Brennan has melded her background in anthropology and folklore with her imagination—this time to build a world called “Driftwood,” the first novel in a fresh fantasy series. Her name for this universe is inspired.
We’re lucky to have the imagination of writers like Marie Brennan right now to keep us afloat amidst the flotsam and jetsam of COVID-19. Driftwood is a life preserver.
The writing is good, it’s crisp and there is no wastage. To be honest it surprised me that it pulled me into the story because it isn’t really character focused (although Last is the main thread throughout) and I do like my stories to be character led. It’s difficult to get to grips with the characters when they’re discovered in this way and yet I find myself in the strange position of liking Last and in fact I think he could totally be the star of his own show if the author decided to tell his story.
It’s not a swords and sorcery style story, in fact it’s really not a traditionally told story at all – but I find that it worked for me on this particular occasion and even more so because of the style, creativity and ability to make me ponder. I like a good ponder.
As does REIßWOLF.
This novel by Marie Brennan, the author of “A Natural History of Dragons”, doesn’t stand back against those classics and I highly recommend reading it.
On the Tachyon Publications YOUTUBE Channel, Brennan reads from DRIFTWOOD.