Award-winning author and anthologist James Patrick Kelly reads at the famed Fantastic Fiction at KGB

James Patrick Kelly, author of King of the Dogs, Queen of the Cats and BURN, alongside fellow award winner P. Djéli Clark, author of A Dead Djinn in Cairo and The Black God’s Drums, will be appearing at the long running reading series Fantastic Fiction at KGB in the KGB Bar, NYC on Wednesday, February 19, 7PM.
Fantastic Fiction at KGB is a monthly speculative-fiction reading series held on the third Wednesday of every month at the famous KGB Bar in Manhattan, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel. Admission is always free.
Fantastic Fiction at KGB About Us
Terry Bisson and Alice K. Turner started the KGB Fantastic Fiction reading series in the late 1990s, attempting to bring together mainstream writers with writers of speculative fiction in order to show, in Alice Turner’s words, “that at a certain level they were plowing exactly the same field.” In the spring of 2000 editor Ellen Datlow took over for Alice K. Turner and in August 2002 Gavin J. Grant, publisher of Small Beer Press, stepped in for Bisson when he moved to California. Multiple-Nebula Award-nominated Author Matthew Kressel stepped in for Gavin in April of 2008.
Cover by John Picacio
Fantastic Fiction at KGB
February 19th, 2020, 7pm
85 East 4th Street
New York, NY 10003
(Just off 2nd Ave, upstairs)