Both the book and movie versions of COLD IN JULY will leave you in shock and awe

At EVERYTHING NOIR, Bryan Cyr reviews Joe R. Lansdale’s classic Texas noir COLD IN JULY and the Jim Mickle movie adaptation.
So what is better, the film or the book. I read the book and then watched the movie twice, and I would have to say I would go with both. Nick Damici and Jim Mickle stay true to the source material, even having the film take place in the late 1980’s when it was written. I actually think watching the movie first may be the way to go. The story is so fresh and original that you will not see what is coming in the film, leaving you with more shock and awe then if you read the book first. Then read the book as soon as you can get your hands on a copy.
Read the rest of Cyr’s review at EVERYTHING NOIR.

The movie tie-in edition of COLD IN JULY is currently available from all finer outlets.
COLD IN JULY the movie, starring Michael C. Hall (Dexter), Sam Shepard (Black Hawk Down), and Don Johnson (Miami Vice), is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Book cover design by Elizabeth Story.